Partner With Us

Good, Better, Best, Never Let it Rest Til Your Good is Better and Your Better is Your Best.

We are currently seeking corporate, community organizations, and individual partners to assist Athletes Meeting Excellence, Inc. (AME) in helping as many young people as possible to expand their quality of living and educational experiences through possessing the necessary tools for success through academics and sport. Donations and frequent fundraising events constitute the bulk of the incoming funds used to provide organizational support and to provide for next level programs and services for our young people and their families.

Donations are sought and gladly accepted from the business community and individuals interested in partnering with AME.

The basis of Athletes Meeting Excellence is that no young person, who participates in academics and sports, should suffer without the necessary tools to become successful after participating in a sport as there are many applicable life skills which can be utilized by participating youth, and their families, for the betterment of individual lifelong learning.

AME would like to thank you for your interest in helping us reach our mission to help student-athletes reach their full potential while encouraging academic achievement. Your contributions to AME Sports are able to provide tutorials at no cost, youth leadership development programs, and camps that help athletes achieve their excellence.

AME Sports is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.

All donations are tax deductible.

Legacy League $15,000+

Whether your company’s logo is placed on the sidelines, on our jerseys, or end zone signage you will be guaranteed maximum exposure in our events that we have throughout the year. Our Legacy Sponsors will have opportunities to speak at our many events and are our biggest contributors to impact the youth to reach their best in more ways than athletics. Your contribution allows our student-athletes to get maximum exposure and our marketing team will make sure that your company receives recognition on our multiple platforms.




  • Direct Marketing at all events
  • Recognition and invitations at luncheons, banquets, fundraisers, and award ceremonies
  • Logo signage at all camps, clinics, tournaments, and leagues
  • Recognition in printed materials
  • Screen print logo on the back of our athletes’ jerseys
  • Newsletter sponsorship recognition
  • Presentation on behalf of your company at our events
  • Logo on our website which can access your company website
  • Framed jersey presentation with company name
  • Your company name as a team name in our many leagues

Platinum League $5,000+

Our Platinum League Sponsors help AME make our mission to student-athletes by reaching excellence globally. Your contributions will be advertised to the fullest to market and brand your company as a class-act in the global community. Our Platinum League Sponsors will have speaking opportunities at AME events. The classroom is where excellence in academic achievement is built, and you make our educational program a key part to students excelling in the classroom as well as the court.




  • Direct Marketing at all events
  • Recognition and invitations at luncheons, banquets, fundraisers, and award ceremonies
  • Logo signage at some various events
  • Logo on our website which can access your company website
  • Framed jersey presentations with company name
  • Screen print logo on our athletes’ jerseys
  • Newsletter sponsorship recognition

Gold League $2,500+

Our marketing team is dedicated to letting the global community know about your commitment to global excellence. By being a part of the Gold League, you will not only see your company brand rise in the communities that we target but also be a key contributor to helping our student-athletes reach their maximum potential.




  • Logo signage at all camps, clinics, tournaments, and leagues
  • Recognition and invitations at certain events
  • Logo on our website which can access your company website
  • Newsletter sponsorship recognition
  • Athletes Meeting Excellence memorabilia

Silver League $1,000+

Rather you’re looking to make an impact in the community or brand your company in the community. Our Silver League Sponsors make your mission a reality for both. Your contributions can give our student-athletes maximum exposure in both the classroom and on the playing field.




  • Presentation on behave of your company at our different camps and clinics
  • Recognition and invitations at luncheons, banquets, fundraisers, and award ceremonies
  • Logo Signage at an event
  • Quarter page Ad advertisement in Athletes Meeting Excellence program Athletes Meeting Excellence memorabilia

Bronze League $500+

Athletes Meeting Excellence Bronze League helps us reach our mission to offer free tutorial sessions to athletes who struggle in a particular subject. Your contributions you make allow student-athletes the opportunity to see themselves enrolling in college as an attainable goal.




  • Recognition and invitations at luncheons, banquets, fundraisers, and award ceremonies
  • Athletes Meeting Excellence memorabilia

Are you looking for something else?

If you’re looking for something “out of the box”, let us help you. We specialize in getting the most value for our sponsors. If you don’t see the best way to market your business…we’ll create it. Contact [email protected] for sponsorship opportunities.

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Get Connected.

We welcome you to contact us to get involved, engaged
and informed about our organization and programs.

CALL: 1-877-916-3976
